Monday, July 9

the latest 7 wonders of the world!

sangat2 excited bila diorang umumkan 7 keajaiban dunia yang baru..sejak last year aku tertanya2 apakah 7 wonders yang terbaru. sampai bertekak2 ngan colleague lama..hahahha! hah! skang ni dah ada pengumuman rasmi, puas hati gak la..tapi ada 2-3 wonders baru nampaknya. korang mesti dah tau kan? aku just nak tempek kat sini supaya aku senang ingat. *pemberitahuan: diriku memang sangat susah nak ingat fakta.

The pink ruins of Petra in Jordan

The centuries-old pink-coloured ruins of Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located 200 kilometres south of the capital Amman. It comprises stunning temples and tombs carved in the rock and was the capital of Arab Nabataean nomads, who settled in the area more than 2,000 years ago, turning it into a junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China, India and southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome.

The Coliseum in Rome

The Coliseum, symbol of the city of Rome, was built nearly 2,000 years ago during the first century AD during the Roman Empire. Financed by the Roman victories in Judea and the pillage of the Temple of Jerusalem, it is Rome's largest amphitheatre.

The Incan ruins of Machu Picchu

The legendary temples, llama husbandry and the steep slopes of the Incas' last refuge from Spain's 16th century conquest can be seen at, which can serve as the first step in making a journey to the 2,400 metre settlement in Peru's Andes. Spain's conquistadors never found the mystical city, which was lost until US archaeologist Hiram Bingham arrived in 1911.

The ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza in Mexico

Chichen Itza is a pre-Colombian city mingling Maya and Toltec art, built around 500 AD in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Four staircases of 91 steps lead up to a platform, making 365 levels for 365 days of the year. Besides the pyramid, an astronomical observatory and the temple of warriors, going back to the conquest of the Yucatan by Toltec groups from central Mexico, are the most imposing buildings.

The Taj Mahal mausoleum

The Taj Mahal was constructed in the 17th century by emperor Shan Jahan as the mausoleum for his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth to her 14th child. The white edifice, north of the town of Agra, is by far the most visited monument in India, with nearly three million visitors a year.

The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro

The statue is today the symbol of all Brazil. It was inaugurated 75 years ago on Mount Corcovado after five years of work that required the building of a road and a rail line giving access to the 710 metres high Corcovado heights. It is Rio's top tourist attraction with 1.8 million visitors a year.

The Great Wall of China

Its construction started more than 2,000 years ago. The longest monument in the world, it extends from the Pacific Ocean to the borders of Central Asia. The Wall was classified a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986.

tadik pegi klinik, akibat saket lutut yang teramat sangat. doktor kata sebab aku paksa kaki aku ni lari laju2..padahal aku cuma jalan2 catwalk dan lari2 anak je. alhamdulillah, doc bagi plaster sejuk yang cambest, rasa lega sket.


13may said...

tima kasih sebab updet benda nih....

aku pun dok tertanya2 pasai nih...:)

dedalie said...


mak sakit blkg lagik jugak nih nyah. nak tempek gak bleh? hehehe

ko masuk acara apa sampai sakit lutut..teeheehee.

Intan and The Boys said...

heh..sama-sama.. ;)

taklah sangat nyah..biase2 je..

eh, nanti bile2 ko senang, ko bagitau kat aku apekebenda FAT tu ye!

aku masuk acara lari2 manja gitu..jog anak samn=bil mata melilau mencarik anak2 ikan..hahahaha! mak suka anak ikan nyah!!

Mak Su said...

oh..taj mahal dgn great wall masih in the list ya.

dedalie said...

FAT=Factory Acceptance Test.

ada sesiapa tak approach ko pasal FAT ni?

Intan and The Boys said...

ha'ah kan? kirenye benda berdua nih sangat2 la ajaib..kan?

hmm..last friday en. mail ada cakap2 kat aku pasal quality responsible aku pada FAT nih..matila mak! nanti, aku nak detail dari ko ye!


okeh...meh kite pusing2 bumi tgk new 7 wonders...kite mule dari Chichen Itza dlu..thehehehe :D

Intan and The Boys said...

meh..meh...kite naik beca yek! gilir2 kayuh beskal..kehkeh..

Unknown said...

kema pun selalu tertanya2 pasai neh. eh, apa kedudukan menara pisa, eiffel tower, sydney harbour dan hanging city of babylon ek?

Peej said...

mcm best je kan bunyi machu picchu..n lawa jugak..but kan piramid masih terasa ajaib dihatiku..sbb dorg bole naikkan batu2 tuh tanpa apa2..sgt kagum..

plaster sejuk??mmg mcm best je dengar..syiok sangat ke??

Intan and The Boys said...

cik kema,
hanging city of babylon tu kan dah lama out of list? rasa2 nye sejak kena bom dulu dah terkeluar dah. eiffel tower, pisa, sume otomatik terkeluar (ada list baru ni kan?). sydney harbour tak tau la plak...penah jadik antara 7 wonder ye?

a'ah kan? cambest je machu picchu tuh. jom pi sana! kita naik beca ngan cik bawang.. plaster sejuk nih memang best! tapi doc bagi 6 kpg jek..macam tak cukup.

aria ayumi said...

huwiiii great wall china!!! amazing!! :D

p/s-diya bizi sket kak

flush said...

patung christ tu x sepatut pun masuk 7 wonders.. x smpi 100 thn pun..

Intan and The Boys said...

its ok..cuma tertanya2 gak..nape yang lain2 pon macam dah pasif jek..

tul tuh! aku sokong! masukkan balek eiffel tower! yeahh!!!!

note untuk sume: nape pyramid tak masuk list ye?

Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

rupenye!!! eheheh yg i tau great wall dgn taj mahal aje... hehehe ;P

Intan and The Boys said...

hik..biasala tu..tapi kagum kan tgk camne dan gigihnye diorg buat semua building nih?

Sunan_Jati said...

tima kasih.. muah!


Intan and The Boys said...


dapat kiss dari sunan!

bagitau kat alang kita..huu..

TedungS said...

ler, aku mati2 igt sepupu aku anaconda tu masuk dlm 7 mende ajaib tu, ish ish

me3n said...

haper yang wonder nyer patung christ tuh? ;p.

Intan and The Boys said...

anaconda tergolong dalam 7 kejadian berbisa..salah kategori la..

tul tuh! macam tak puas hati kan? apa salahnya kalau letak piramid one of the wonders..kan? kan?