Monday, July 2

di tag oleh cik kema plak..! (dan juga cik bawang)

Rumah anak yatim ini memerlukan bas untuk penghuni2, di samping sumbangan untuk pengendalian harian. I am inviting you to participate together with me. For every person who complete this meme before August 26th, I will contribute rm127 on your behalf to the Darul Izzah Orphanage, Bangi. If you are tagged, you need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry you just need to tag as many person as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged. And to include this message, "By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage". Then please copy and paste this rule somewhere in your entry. The meme is about completing at least seventeen out of the following twenty seven sentences.


1. A person is only as good as a person (err..tak tau nak jawab camne..).

2. Friendship is always be together walaupon jauh di mata tapi DEKAT DI HATI..

3. To love is to get the love back..huahuahua!


4. Money makes me feel so comfy..(saya sangat sukakan uang)


5. I miss my bestfriends..(I have 4 bestfriends!)


6. My way of saying I care is by listening to your problems and try to solve it for you. (tiru cik kema..tapi memang ye pon)


7. I try to spread love and happiness by giving them my sweetest smile.

8. Pick the flowers when – entah! I don’t pick flowers!

9. To love someone is to accept him/her in happy and sad situation.


10. Beauty is me! (hahaha!- macam bagus)


11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was my nerd’s behavior and thank god I have gila2 friends~ so tak nampak la macam nerd sangat kan .

12. When I was twenty one, I remember my 3rd year in USM and have a blasting moments with my friends!

13. I am most happy when other people make me happy (esp. my alang).


14. Nothing makes me happier than to see MONEY everywhere..haaaa!!!!


15. If I can change one thing, I will change my boros behavior *sangat kuat berbelanja..skang nih pon baru 5 hari gaji, duit tinggal rm 50 jek.

16. If smiles were paid then I smile 24/7. Me like money *diriku ngan Mr. Crab lebih kurang sama jek.


17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could go for a holiday without having to pay a single cent. (tiru cik kema) *jom kema, kite gi holiday ke korea!! Err..tapi sape nak support kite nih?


18. If you want to merepek,meraban then you have to just meet me! *I’m just like to merepek..haahaaa!


19. Money is not everything but I still like


20. The most touching moments I have experienced is when my mom and dad beri hadiah loket kunci kebebasan to me-sampai skang (biarpon dah 26 thn) still pakai lagik.

21. I smile when I’m happy!


22. When I am happy, I like to smile sengsorang..macam orang gile lagaknya!


23. If only I don't have to pay my debt, then I will get marry skang jugak..*diriku sangat gatal!


24. The best thing I did yesterday was (haaaaaaiii…~mengeluh ngan panjang)


25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title. Sorry kengkawan, me tak pandai tulis buku..merepek bleh la..

26. One thing I must do before I die is to clear all my debts. *amek kema nye gak~tul tu mom kata nanti kalau hutang tak clear, akhirat nanti susah ooo…


27. Doing this meme, I feel like I’m doing a good thing for today!

Supposely aku jawab tag ni hari jumaat haritu, tapi sebab macam bz gak,aku jawab hari ni pada kengkawan yang lain, kalu aku tag korang tu, sudi2 la jawab ye.. bukan untuk aku pon, tapi untuk anak2 yatim nih.

Aku nak tag:

Sekian. terima kasih.


aria ayumi said...

huhu kene tagged jgk... ngee ayat2 die blh rojak bhs melayu yek.. bagus2... diya pun nak rojak gak ah... kui3

Anonymous said...

wah..banyaknya soalan...ok ok, saya akan cuba menjawab tag ini..

Unknown said...

bagus bagus! neh yang buat cik kema berbesar hati ade kawan yang sporting cam neh!

mission accomplished. hehe.

puteri, cik kema tgh dok selongkar almari nak cari gambo masa kecik. kalu ader, esok kema scan pastu post kat blog okeh! tunggguuu.

herm... pasal bab nak pi korea tuh... apa kata kita meniaga kerepek! lepas tak duit tambang? adeh!


hahahaha jgn lupe bawak sekali kepek tuh utk cik bawang...nak kepek ubi pedas yer..

kurekure ni..orang tag die die tag orang balik..iskisk

flush said...

meniaga kerepek bawang.. pastu jual kat cik bawang.. cukup kot.. tunggu airasia landing kat sana la.. baru murah

Intan and The Boys said...

err..rasa2nye bleh campor kot. ntah, akak hentam jek..kehkeh

cuba, jangan tak cuba..

cik kema,
mmm..menarik tuh! meh kite buat jualan kerepek besar-besaran..

kite pon berbesar hati ngan diri kite..(perasan!)

cik bwg,
tu la pasal..t'lupe yang cik bwg pon tag kite..huuuu..

ntah bile agaknya airasia nak wat fly ke korea plak..

13may said...

hahha...dah 3 org tag aku nih...

due bila hah???

Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

Erk!! nnt esok saye buat tugasan ni ye cikgu... ;P


hoohhhhh...cik bawang suke cik bawang suke idea flush..kepek bawak sedappp..kepek bawang pedas... hohhhh arituh pon ade dgr air asia nk landing kat korea ni..tapi tunggu punye tunggu takdak2 pon gadis2 seksa berskirt merah tuh

Intan and The Boys said...

13 may,
sebelom 26 ogos nih..buat la yek!

okeh..nanti cekgu periksa ye!

cik bwg,
ngeh,ngeh...agaknya diorg tunggu cik bwg yang pakai skirt seksi tu kot!

Sweettooth said...

ello...mmg org stewan eh? rindu ah dgn pekan stewan ittiew...dolu2 kiter blajar kat ITM Manjung maka pekan stewan tu lah saksi bebudak ITM Manjung memadu chenta (berdating daa...) chewah! i misy u kfc, parkson ria, stesen bas buruk dpn parkson hahaha...

Intan and The Boys said...

ha'ah..kite memang org stewan (dah lebih 10 tahun dok sini). ooohh..skang ni Uitm Manjung tu dah pindah ke Sri Iskandar. Parkson Ria pon dah lama takde, ganti ngan Courts Mammoth. Datang la ke sini..mesti awak terkejut tgk pembangunan kat sini..

DiaHarris said...

wahh... harus di kerah otak ni nak jawab soalan.. saya sgt menci ok nak jawab soalan.. ada a,b,c tak?? hehehee..

aria ayumi said...

kak... diya dh jwb tagged akk... huhu... :D

Anonymous said...

setelah mebaca entri ni baru ku tahu umur mu..26 thn...rupanya pangkat adik rupanya..kekeekeke...

tu je kot leh komen....:)

Sunan_Jati said...

ok bos...
mggu depan...
sy publish...